To commence advertising you will need to provide:
1.) Brand/Logo image: One image of your brand/logo which is displayed on your ‘Partner’ listing page and top of your stories as a direct hyperlink to your ‘Partner’ listing.
2.) Ad Banners. Depending on advertising agreement create either:
A) Standard Banner Set = One of each ad banner size/location i.e. Three Ad Banners (Or two banners if leaderboard and footer banners are identical)
Or B) Rotating Banner Set = Up to five versions of each ad banner size/location i.e. up to 15 Ad Banners (Or 10 if the leaderboard and footer banners are identical) (Note: Your Ad Package agreement notes the maximum number of ads per set)
3.) The URL (website link) for each ad banner image to be linked to (Each ad banner can point to a different website page URL)
Rotating Banner Sets
Sail-World has its own unique ad banner delivery system that enables a set of (up to) five different banner images to be displayed for each of the three banner sizes/locations. This allows the Leaderboard (Top), Side/MPU and Footer (Bottom) ad banner locations to show more than one image to visitors. Each ad banner is randomly changed after several *page refreshes allowing the promotion of other brands/products/services/events/etc. and prevents the ‘traffic light’ affect from continually seeing the same ad images during each site visit.
Additional to this, each banner in the set of (up to) five banners can be linked to a different website page URL.
(*A page refresh occurs from opening a new story or clicking the ‘Refresh’ button on a device.)
To clarify this you could run (up to): Five X 728×90 (Top), Five X 300×250 (Side{MPU}) and Five X 728×90 (Bottom) ads for a total of (up to) 15 banners among the three banner sets (Or 10 banners if the top and bottom banners are identical). A different banner from each set is displayed after each change.
Each banner size set can rotate up to five banners, as in this example:
Randomly Changed – Ad 1 banner image linked to URL link 1;
Randomly Changed – Ad 2 banner image linked to URL link 2;
Randomly Changed – Ad 3 banner image linked to URL link 3;
Randomly Changed – Ad 4 banner image linked to URL link 4;
Randomly Changed – Ad 5 banner image linked to URL link 5;
If still unsure on how this works watch the two minute News Page Banners and their Placements video and read the What are Rotating Banner Sets? page.
To make use of the Rotating Banner Set system:
• This feature must be included in your Ad Package agreement
• Create (up to) five versions of some/all of the banner size/locations
• Provide specific web page URL’s for each banner and clearly identify which banner matches each link
Note: Our records show the approximate site views of each banner. This shows that for one Top Banner view a Bottom banner gets six views and the Side (MPU) banner gets 20 views. Keep this in mind with your decision.
Sail-World Advertising Banner Graphics Specifications
We strongly recommend that ad banners display your websites home page URL plus, if possible, a call to action message like ‘Click for info’ to encourage traffic to your website via clicks on banners.
- All dimensions are Width x Height
- Maximum weight of 400kB.
- Name each file with description and banner size for easy identification e.g. Your company name – Lifejacket 300×250.png
- Send banner artwork as Windows friendly attached files rather than embedded in an email or other document. If sending from a Mac then please send in a zipped file.
- Destination URLs must be supplied for each banner and if an advertiser changes the URL or deletes a page that a Sail-World ad banner is linked to, it is the advertiser’s responsibility to notify Sail-World of the change.
Brand/Logo Image Required
Company logo which is displayed on your Partner listing and top of your stories as a direct hyperlink to your Partner listingMinimum Size – 150 X 150 pixels
Provide a square image
File Format – Static .jpg or .png
Number of Partner logos – Only one image required
Ad Banner Sizes Required
Top of Site (Leaderboard) and top of newsletter banners
Size – 728 x 90 pixels or 1456 x 180 pixels (Retina display ads)
File Format – .PNG, .JPG or animated GIF
File weight – Maximum of 400 kB
Number of banners – As noted in advertising agreement
Side {MPU} Banners
Size – 300 x 250 pixels or 600 x 500 pixels (Retina display ads)
{MPU} = Mid Page Unit
File Format: .PNG, .JPG or animated GIF
Maximum file weight of 400 kB
Number of banners – As noted in advertising agreement
Bottom (Footer) of story and bottom of newsletter banners
Size – 728 x 90 pixels or 1456 x 180 pixels (Retina display ads)
File Format – .PNG, .JPG or animated GIF
File weight – Maximum of 400 kB
Number of banners – As noted in advertising agreement
Submission Specifications
Borders: If an ad fades to a white edge, a one pixel border of suitable colour must be included in all advertising files to define the edges of the supplied banner within the pixel dimensions specified. This ensures that any clicks aimed at your banner do hit the target instead of the neighbouring banner.
Retina display ads: Higher resolution versions of the standard banner sizes can be loaded being 600×500 px and 1456×180 px. These still display as 250 x 300px and 728 x90 px banners but look better on high resolution retina screens.
Colours: The colour format MUST be RGB. Optically aggravating colours should be avoided. Colours in the supplied submissions should fit within the general “look and feel” of the website.
Please Note: Destination URLs must be supplied with each creative set.
Animated gifs can be used but static images are preferred to prevent the visual clutter of multiple animations flashing across the website.
Sail-World New Zealand reserves the right to reject any submitted graphic or artwork that is deemed of poor quality or not suitable for publication.
Graphic Designer Available.
If you don’t have access to someone suitable to create your banners, we can put you in touch with an economical graphics designer who has created ad banners for 13 Sail-World advertisers. They have very reasonable rates starting at $120.00 ex GST for one set of three banners (re-work dependent). If required, please contact us for their details.
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