If your question is not answered here then please us send your question via the contact page.
Frequently Asked Questions
To best understand what can be provided for your business first take a look at the overview video Advertisers Guide to Sail-World.com video then contact us to discuss how Sail-World can help within your budget.
In general the following can be provided with an Advertising Package.
- Content is King - Advertisers news/stories are published on the sites and newsletters and can include photos, videos and audio for branding purposes and to educate readers on products and services. They can be advertorial, help/advice stories, testimonials, sponsored sailor/event reports, company history, boat show attendance, etc. Stories are the powerhouse of an advertising package with their readership extending far outside Sail-Worlds readers due to automatically being Tweeted on our Twitter feed plus newsworthy stories posted on Sail-Worlds Facebook feed.
Advertisers’ stories only display their own ad banners, their Facebook and Twitter feed (alongside the story), hyperlinks within the stories, plus some past stories are displayed as ‘Related Stories’ below every story. Take a look at our current advertisers Advertisers Stories page for examples of what can be done. - Advertising banners linked to your website are displayed on your selection of our websites and newsletters. Each banner size/location can display up to five banners which are changed after several page refreshes. See What are Rotating Banner Sets? for more info.
- Advertisers website banners are displayed on the right side, top and bottom of websites, plus on the bottom of stories. See News Page Banners and their Placements and What are Rotating Banner Sets? for more info.
- Advertisers newsletter banners are displayed on the right side plus top and bottom of newsletters
- Advertisers can update their ad banners and their URL links when needed to promote different products, services, events, etc
- Rotating Ad Banner Sets. Up to five banners can be displayed for each ad size/location which are changed after several page refreshes (with unique banner URLs) See What are Rotating Banner Sets?or more info. (Note that this feature is available if included in the advertising agreement)
- Partners directory listing displaying advertiser description, website URL, Facebook feeds and past stories
- Content is King - Advertisers news/stories are published on the sites and newsletters and can include photos, videos and audio for branding purposes and to educate readers on products and services. They can be advertorial, help/advice stories, testimonials, sponsored sailor/event reports, company history, boat show attendance, etc. Stories are the powerhouse of an advertising package with their readership extending far outside Sail-Worlds readers due to automatically being Tweeted on our Twitter feed plus newsworthy stories posted on Sail-Worlds Facebook feed.
We can tailor an Ad Package to any selection of the seven global regional Sail-World.com websites plus another NZ site NZBoating-World.com.
These global regional sites are:
You can specify to advertise on only one or any number of the sites and newsletters with the monthly cost affected by the site selection and other options.In September 2019 our Google Analytics stats Sail-World recorded more than 250,000 global users, creating 467,000 sessions and 760,000 page views of the Sail-World sites.
These metrics were recorded when news of the 36th Americas Cup AC75 boats were being launched. Since then our monthly stats have shown approx. 40% increase on the same 2019 months and we expect higher numbers than September 2019 leading up to the 36th Americas Cup, 2021 Olympics and the 2021/2022 Ocean Race.
Sail-World.com was launched in Australia in 2000 and has grown to include seven global regional sites for NZ, AUS, USA, UK, Europe, Canada and Asia, with the NZ site launched in 2005. The website platform is now owned and managed from the UK by YachsandYachting.com with the new ownership changing in 2016. Richard Gladwell is owner and editor of the New Zealand sites.
Sail-World.com was completely shifted to a new faster platform in early 2018. This has enabled many new enhancements to be added to the sites including the Facebook/Twitter integration, Rotating Banner Sets, 'Related Articles' on Advertiser stories and many other unseen but advantageous enhancements.
Also see the About page.
The ad packages include advertisers banners and their stories displaying on the websites and newsletters to provide maximum exposure for our advertisers.
We are also aware that many visitors do not subscribe to newsletters, instead they regularly visit the websites from their browsers favourites/bookmarks, Facebook and Twitter feeds and many more methods.
Advertisers would miss out on exposure to thousands more of these people by limiting their ads to only the newsletters.Excluding your ad banners from the websites could be hiding them from our readers eyes on up to 760,000 page views per month.
As all stories on Sail-World feature high in searches as well as being read by our regular readership we seek to obtain the best results for our advertisers. Advertisers stories only display their own banner ads plus their Facebook and Twitter feeds, which prevents other advertisers banners being viewed while reading their story.If the advertiser does not provide any ad banners then their story would be surrounded by another advertisers ads, which could include their competitors ad banners. Therefore your stories could in fact be helping to promote your competitors if you had no banners running on the site!
Then add the many other non-advertiser stories constantly drawing our readers to the sites to be exposed to the advertisers banners to realise the wasted opportunity from not displaying your ads.
Lastly, the publishing of this type of 'one story wonder' is also unfair to the many other regular advertisers who display their banners and have an ongoing investment with Sail-World.Take a look at the Advertisers Stories page for some story ideas.
We believe that a solas email will provide less exposure than putting the same information in a newsworthy promotional story which can also display your Facebook and Twitter feed, whereas an email cannot do this. This is due to the high website readership from many non-newsletter subscribers who will see the story during their regular site visits as well as many more finding it via online searches, plus Sail-Worlds Facebook and Twitter feeds with every story automatically Tweeted to our Twitter feed.
The same story will also be in the Sail-World newsletters anyway. We also don't want the added risk of unsubscribes from receivers of the solas emails as this is not healthy for Sail-World or its advertisers.Take a look at the Advertisers Stories page for some story ideas.
For example: You may choose to run ads on the northern hemisphere sites during their summer/spring time and the southern hemisphere during their summer/spring time. Or perhaps run ads in a region when a specific event you may be involved with is occurring e.g. boat show exhibitor, event/boat/sailor sponsorship.The ad package cost would be based on the requested timeframes of the region/site changes plus the sites involved. The site changes would need at least one months notice to change the ad display setup and be part of an ongoing ad package of at least three months duration.
A downside to this on/off site type of advertising is that the site visitors will not see your ads in the winter/autumn when they may be planning their summer/spring boating activities, maintenance, purchases, etc. therefore you will miss out on those sales prospects. Visitors will also notice your ads disappear from view and can make the wrong assumptions as to why.
The only plus side is that it can be more economical than advertising on several sites full time.We have no real deadlines because the ads can usually be loaded on the sites within 24 hours, depending on how many ads to load and that there are no technical issues with the supplied banners or unforeseen uploading issues.
However if you want your ads to be included in the next scheduled newsletter then you could ask when the next newsletter is to be delivered . Delays in loading ads are usually due to incorrectly sized banners so please ensure your ad banners meet our strict graphics specifications which are listed on the Ad Banner Specs page.
The editor can and has written stories for advertisers from visits to premises, product reviews, event coverage, etc. and could do the same for your business however this would need to be discussed as part of the ad package. Depending on the scope of the story the publication date can be affected by other major news items needing to be published e.g. Americas Cup, which draws our high readership.Take a look at the Advertisers Stories page for some story ideas, with these having mainly been provided by the advertisers plus some advantageous editing by Richard Gladwell to increase its appeal, reach and effectiveness.
As ad package costs depend on the sites included and other variances, a rate card is unavailable to adequately cover the many available options. Instead ad packages are tailored to fit your budget and reach requirements with costs starting from a very basic ad package for NZ$315.00 ex GST/month.
Contact us to discuss your advertising requirements.Advertising is invoiced at the agreed monthly rate each month for payment on the 20th of following month. Any part months are charged pro-rata for that month.
Non-NZ based advertisers require payments to be made one month in advance.
All package cancellations require one month written notice.
Advertising can commence once points 1 and 2 are provided with points 3 to 5 able to be provided later if you are pressed for time:
- A signed advertising agreement. (Contact us to discuss the options)
- Advertising banners and 60px X 60px logo, as per the agreement, that meet our Ad Banner Specifications
- Confirmation of your Facebook feed URL plus your Twitter feed if you want it displayed on your stories instead of your side banners.
- Your words that adequately describe your company/product/service/event to be displayed on your 'Partner' listing page.
- Preferably a story, including suitable images and possible video, prepared and ready to publish upon starting your advertising however, if pressed for time, this could be provided after the ads have commenced.
Take a look at the Advertisers Stories page for some story ideas.
The New Zealand office is near Narrow Neck Beach on the North Shore of Auckland city .
The Sail-World.com team includes many editors, journalists, photographers, videographers, graphics designers, IT technicians and sales people based all around the globe. We also have many more content contributors regularly providing stories of major and local events.
There are too many to include here but some are listed on the Sail-World Team page.
Ad Banner sizes. (Sizes are in Pixels, width x height)
Top (728x90; Side (300x250) and Bottom (728x90)Ad Banner file format.
Static .PNG ( Static .jpg or .gif files can be loaded but .png format provides the best quality images)File Weight.
Keep files as light as possible with a maximum of 100kb.Visit the Ad Banner Specs page for more details and check out News Page Banners and their Placements and What are Rotating Banner Sets? to learn how this works and how you can make the best use of this Sail-World exclusive Ad Banner system.
This is because the PNG format provides the best quality image for ad banners. This is most noticeable when adding text to an image, as done when creating the banners with graphics software, whereby the text can look jagged or blurry with other formats. The ad banners need be created as PNG files as converting a .JPG or other format file to a PNG will not improve it.
That said, static .jpg or .gif files can be loaded but you would not have the same quality image as a PNG. Some older banners on the site are JPG's but we don't encourage this format be used.
Retina Display Ads: Higher resolution 144 dpi versions of the 728 X 90 px and 300 X 250 px banner sizes can also be loaded. (600 X 500px and 1456 X 180px) These are designed to look better on the Apple retina screens.
The 60x60 pixel Logo image that displays on the top right of your stories and Partner page must however be a .GIF file.
Preferably not.
Instead of running these file types Sail-World.com provides its own unique Rotating Banners Sets for advertisers wanting to display several products, services, events, images, etc. in one ad banner location. Learn more on the Ad Banner Specs page. However we can run animated gif banners if advertisers cannot display the images with this system or particularly want to run them. A good example is the light colour change Hella Marine banner on bottom of this answer content.
We do not encourage displaying these type of banners for several reasons:
- The Microsoft Outlook 2007, 2010 and 2013 email programs do not run animated gif banners, instead they only display one of its animations slides . The bigger issue is that we cannot control which slide, of the several slides in the animation, will display on the newsletters. The slide displayed could be devoid of any branding or message providing no benefit to the advertiser.
- Studies have found that people will not always wait to view every slide in an animated gif or watch an entire flash banner display to the end. Comparably a static banners info can quickly be grasped in one look by a visitor.
- If the majority of banners were animated or flash, the amount of banner changes would make the website look like Xmas tree lights and make the reading space to busy for our readers. Neither we or our advertisers want this result.
- Studies have also found that too many flashing ads can also set off epileptic fits in some people with the disorder. Content flashing rates between 2 Hz and 55 Hz can harm users with photosensitive epilepsy. In addition, visually impaired users may have difficulty reading or reviewing content on a GIF before the animation changes
- Adobe Flash is not supported on Apple devices and Adobe is also due to stop supporting this plugin in 2020. We cannot load Flash ads to our system.
- HTML5 video ads will not run on most email clients, showing an unknown frame image just like with animated gifs mentioned above. We cannot load HTML5 ads to our system.
Each banner size can run up to five different ad banners in Rotating Banner Sets. Each Rotating Banner Set will display randomly selected banners from the set throughout the day and each banner can have its own unique URL (Website linked page). (Note: The number of ads per set depends on the Ad Package agreement)
To clarify this you could run (up to): Five X 790x90 (Top), Five X 300x250 (Side) and Five X 728x90 (Bottom) ads for a total of (up to) 15 banners among the three banner sets. A different banner from each set is displayed after each change and more of one size than others could be run.
Or you could just run a Standard Set of one ad banner of each size i.e. only three ad banners.
See What are Rotating Banner Sets? to learn how this works and how you can make the best use of this exclusive Sail-World ad banner system.
Banner Options:
- You could run several banners in each size to show your product/service used, stored, etc. in different ways like the two Hella Marine Sea Hawk XL light examples below.
- Or each banner could promote a different product/service with every banner able to be linked to their own web page URL this can provide some targeted advertising options as with the Naiad Design examples below the Hella Marine examples.
Due to Sail-Worlds exclusive ad banner control system each and every banner could be linked to a different URL.At the extreme an advertiser could display five banners for each of the three banner sizes/locations = 15 different banners. This enables several different products/services to be promoted on the ad banners with each one linked to a specific web page on your website.
Or one product could have several different images to display its use in different situations as done for the Hella Marine Sea Hawk XL light banners seen below.
Note that each banner is randomly rotated with others in the same size set throughout each day. Watch the video 'What are Rotating Banner Sets?' to understand this better.
Contact us and we can put you in touch with a graphics designer to get your banners made for an economical cost. Greg runs a professional web and graphics design business and has created several of our advertisers ad banners with rates of approx. $30 per banner.
You will need to supply any logos and suitable images for the banners plus come up with an idea of how you want the banners to look which can save some creative time and costs in producing them.
We always recommend displaying your websites URL on the banners and/or a call to action like 'Click for info' etc.
Please send the actual PNG files as an attachment to your email if sending from a Windows computer.
If sending from a Mactintosh computer then please email the files in a zipped folder.
DO NOT send the files embedded in a Word, PDF or other document. We really don't need the extra hassle of trying to extract files from these documents which is not always successful and usually ends in delays while we wait for the actual files to be sent correctly.
Please also ensure that the file names relate directly to the banner to include it's size and description e.g. XYZ Company - Sextant 300x250.jpg
This is preferred instead of un-targeted file names like e.g. 300x250.png or image002.pngPlease double check that your banners meet our Banner Specifications to enable them to be loaded as errors in size, format, file type etc. will delay the launch date.
All the Sail-World websites and displaying advertising banners utilise similar geolocation technology as used on Google search.
This means that whenever a person visits Sail-World the site recognises the location of the device being used from its IP address, ISP and other analytical tools. This can be a visit from a search link click or entering Sail-World.com in the address bar. The Sail-World site content for the visitors regional location is then displayed on the device including the ad banners for that region. It is also possible for visitors to view the content and ad banners on overseas Sail-World sites from within their own region by selecting regions from the 'Edition' drop down menu on top of site.
Here's how a geolocation provider, describes its product:
IP Location is a non-intrusive geo IP solution to help you to identify [a] visitor's geographical location, i.e. country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, connection speed, ISP, domain name, IDD country code, area code, weather station code and name, mobile carrier, elevation and usage type information using a proprietary IP address lookup database and technology without invading the Internet user's privacy. The solution is available as [a] database, programming API and hosted solution.Visit the Rotating Banner Sets info page to learn more.
The best method is to email them to our NZ editor Richard Gladwell and copy Colin Preston in the email.
Stuck for story ideas?
Take a look at the Advertisers Stories page to see some examples of what is being done by other advertisers.
All the Sail-World websites utilize the Google translator tool enabling Sail-World content to be translated into several languages. As we are not conversant in these other languages we can't be sure on how accurate Google translate is.See the translator tool on the top right of every web page.
Stuck for story ideas?
Take a look at the Advertisers Stories page to see some examples of what is being done by other advertisers.
Advertisers can virtually publish what they want so long as it is not obscene, vulgar or discriminatory in nature and passes the editors litmus test.
Newsworthy Content.
It works best if the article is 'Newsworthy' in its delivery rather than appearing to be outright advertorial for your product/service. Some credentials to meet the 'Newsworthy' label are:- Timing - The word 'News' means exactly that, is it 'New', current, the latest update, etc.
- Significance - The number of people affected by the story.
- Proximity - Is it close to home with its affect on our readers or geographically.
- Prominence - Does it involve a famous boat, person, team, event, etc.
- Human Interest - Does it invoke any emotion of amusement, sadness etc.
The subject matter can be:
- Purely product/service related about the latest thing, updated model, user testimonial, etc.
- How to stories to educate readers on its uses. These could be done as a Part 1, Part 2 etc. sequence.
- Pro-Team/Pro-Athlete type stories about sponsored users of the product/service.
- Your upcoming attendance at an event e.g. boat show plus an end of event report
- Coverage of an event/boat/competitor you sponsor or have been instrumental in its organisation
- Sales, Discounts/Special offers
- Competitions you may run
- etc. etc.
This article provides some ideas of how to write them: Sail-World.com - Contributors Guidelines
Stuck for story ideas?
Take a look at the Advertisers Stories page to see some examples of what is being done by other advertisers.
Simply copy and paste the videos URL into the email and the editor will embed the video into the story. This can be done with YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook videos.
This URL is provided in the story content.
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/4L98pVoer1oResulting with the video being embedded in the story:
Safer Boating Week - Man Overboard video - A sailor’s worst nightmareStuck for story ideas?
Take a look at the Advertisers Stories page to see some examples of what is being done by other advertisers.
This article provides all you need to know: Sail-World.com - Contributors Guidelines
You are also welcome to consult Richard Gladwell for his journalistic advice.
Stuck for story ideas?
Take a look at the Advertisers Stories page to see some examples of what is being done by other advertisers.
Unlike a print publication we don't have deadlines to get a story uploaded and live on the websites.
The only deadline you may want to be aware of is the delivery of the next newsletter that would include your story being sent to our subscribers. However if it misses the inclusion in one newsletter it will be included in the following edition in a few days time.
When a story is submitted our editor can usually get it published within 24 hours however this will depend on the story details, including images and other multimedia components, being correct and ready for publishing. If corrections, clarifications, etc. are required the editor will contact the author which will delay the story's release.
Current news events may also be the editors focus at the time, with other stories priorities put on hold until these stories are covered e.g. Americas Cup news. Although this may delay your story being released, its later timed publication, close to the major news story release, could work in your favour in regards to its readership.
Stuck for story ideas?
Take a look at the Advertisers Stories page to see some examples of what is being done by other advertisers.